Category: Charles Mungoshi

A Letter to a Son – Charles Mungoshi

Now the pumpkin is ripe.
We are only a few days from
the year’s first mealie cob.
The cows are giving us lots of milk.
Taken in the round it isn’t a bad year at all –
if it weren’t for your father.
Your fathers back is back again
and all the work has fallen on my shoulders.
Your little brothers and sisters are doing
fine at the day school. Only Rindai
is becoming a problem.  You will remember
we wrote you – did you get our letter? –
you didn’t answer – you see, since your
father’s back started we haven’t been able
to raise enough to send your sister Rindai
to secondary school.  She spends most of the time
crying by the well.  It’s mainly because of her
that I am writing this letter.
I had thought you would be with us last Christmas
then I thought maybe you were too busy
and you would make it at Easter –
it was then your father nearly left us, son.
Then I thought I would come to see you some time
before the cold season settled in – you know how
I simply hate that time of year –
but then your father went down again
and this time worse than any other time before.
We were beginning to think he would never see
another sowing season.  I asked your sister Rindai
to write you but your father would have none of it
– you know how stubborn he can get when
he has to lie in bed all day or gets
one of those queer notions of his that
everybody is deserting him!
Now, Tambu, don’t think I am asking for money –
although we had to borrow a little from
those who have it to get your father to hospital
and you know how he hates having to borrow!
That is all I wanted to tell you,
I do hope that you will be with us this July.
It’s so long ago since we last heard from you –
I hope this letter finds you still at the old address.
It is the only address we know.

                                                            YOUR MOTHER